Empresa de Ingeniería y construcción con actividades en los sectores de: Energía, Aeroespacial, Naval e Infraestructura y Transporte.


Registered office: SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas
Entity type: Company
Size: > 200
Topics of interes:

Contact Data

Registered office: Avda. Zugazarte, 56. 48930
City: Las Arenas
State: Bizkaia
Country: Spain
Phone: +34 944 81 76 70
Contact: Txomin Gainza Pérez de Anuzita (

Technological Aspects

Types of materials on which the activity is based:
Types of activities developed:
Manufacture ComponentsSimulation MaterialsSimulation Processes

Specific Technological Aspects

Thermosolar energy, receiver, thermal storage system, reflective surface, coating, composites.