Here at AIMPLAS, we are experts in developing new products for the plastics industry. We provide the necessary technological support to get the most ambitious projects up and running, enhancing the properties of materials and optimising transformation processes. AIMPLAS research lines are organized to meet the goals of the societal challenges: Health (medical devices, controlled drug materials, new materials for diagnosis and treatment),
Industry 4.0 (additive manufacturing, plastronics, functional printing), Circular economy (mechanical and chemical recycling,biodegradable materials, use of CO2 and biomass) , Climate change and Decarbonisation of the economy, (energy efficient buildings, renewable energies, CO2 capture, sustainable materials), Food security (active and smart packaging), Agriculture and sustainable silviculture ( plastic from residues, pest control) and Sustainable mobility (high performance composites and multifunctional and hybrid materials and coatings).


Registered office: AIMPLAS (Asociación de investigación en materiales plásticos y conexas)
Entity type: Research and/or Technological Centre
Size: 50-249
Topics of interes:
Transport and SpaceHealthEnergySustainable constructionNanotechnologyAdvanced manufacturingCircular economy of materials

Contact Data

Registered office: Valencia Parque Tecnológico Calle Gustave Eiffel, 4, 46980
City: Paterna
State: Valencia
Country: Spain
Phone: +34 961 36 60 40
Contact: Ana Palanca Roig (

Technological Aspects

Types of materials on which the activity is based:
PolymersCompositesBiomaterialsRubbersNanomaterialsHydrogelsCatalystsPhase change materials
Types of activities developed:
Development of materials and/or manufacturing processesPrototypingFunctional characterisationStructural characterisationCertified characterisation tests

Specific Technological Aspects

Plastic materials, coatings, additive manufacturing, extrusion, injection, composites, CO2 capture, synthesis, compounding, active and intelligent packaging, nanotechnology, biotechnology, mechanical recycling, chemical recycling, catalysts, membranes, implants, sustainable materials, waste recovery, economics circular, ecodesign, use of biomass, compostable materials, biodegradable materials, hybrid materials, plastronics, functional printing, controlled drug release, new materials for bone and/or tissue regeneration, food contact, characterization, ENAC, Certification for plastic recyclers: EuCertPlast, Certification for manufacturers of plastic products: RecyClass, REACH