
NEXT-TIP is a spin-off of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), which was stablished in 2012 as a technology-based company. Our technology is based on the coating of AFM tips with nanoparticles of controlled size and chemical composition. The nanoparticles are deposited along the tip side of the cantilever. The nanoparticles deposited at the end of the tips do act as the final probes in microscopy, enhancing the spatial resolution with the intrinsic physical and chemical properties of the nanoparticles. Next-Tip technology offers SuperSharp resolution with enhanced lifetime, as it avoids the fragility of standard SuperSharp tips. Making our probes more cost effective than standard ones.


Registered office: Next-tip
Entity type: SME
Size: <11
Topics of interes:
EnergyRaw Materials

Contact Data

Registered office: Calle Génova 11, 1ºIzq., 28004
City: Madrid
State: Madrid
Country: Spain
Phone: +34 634538681
Contact: Manuel Espinosa (

Technological Aspects

Types of materials on which the activity is based:
Types of activities developed:

Specific Technological Aspects

Nanomaterials, microscopy, nanoparticles, gold, microscopy of atomic forces, AFM, tips, probes, surface characterization, morphology, potential, conductivity