Design and development of new biomaterials and bioplastics to be industrialized, providing the technical solutions to solve the challenges ofcutting-edge technology.
We work in: Biomedicine (Tissue engineering) and Automotive electronics.
Our work is done with 100% sustainable materials with the environment: PLA, PHA, PBS, PEF…


Registered office: Artificial Nature S.L.
Entity type: SME
Size: <11
Topics of interes:
TransportEnergyHealthRaw MaterialsSmart Cities

Contact Data

Registered office: Parc Científic Barcelona, C/Baldiri Reixac, 4-10, 80028
City: Barcelona
State: Barcelona
Country: Spain
Phone: +34 93 5142218
Contact: Xavier Marin (contact@artificialnature.com)

Technological Aspects

Types of materials on which the activity is based:
Types of activities developed:

Specific Technological Aspects

Bioplastics, Biomaterials, polymers, biopolymers, 3D Printing, Biotech, New Materials, Polymer, Robotics, Drone, Nanobots, PLA, PHA, PHB, PEF, Bioplastics, Labs, R&D, Prosthesis, Drug delivery, and Tissue Engineering